Young Lawyers Section

The Young Lawyers Section, founded in 1990 and formerly known as the Lafayette Young Lawyers Association, is a section of the Lafayette Bar composed of attorney members who are either under the age of 40 or who have been practicing law for five years or fewer. Members are dedicated to providing community service in Lafayette Parish. This is an active organization that sponsors several worthwhile programs that take place in the community, such as: Regional Mock Trial allows high school students to study a case, to present it from both the plaintiff’s and the defense’s sides and to act out the trial in a real courtroom setting; and the Holiday Giving Program is an annual fundraiser to support local charities during Christmas.

Along with these programs, Young Lawyer Section members are active in the Lafayette Bar Foundation’s pro-bono efforts that benefit the underprivileged members of the Lafayette community. They volunteer their time to accept Lafayette Volunteer Lawyers cases, to assist with the Homeless Experience Legal Protection (H.E.L.P.) Program, and to represent victims of domestic violence in Protective Order hearings through the Protective Order Panel.

Members of Young Lawyers are the future leaders of Lafayette’s legal community and make up about one-fourth of the entire Lafayette Bar Association community. If you are a young lawyer and an LBA member who would like to join the Young Lawyers Section at no cost, sign in to your Member Portal and click on "Committees & Groups" to join the section or call the Lafayette Bar office at 337-237-4700.

Ready to join the section? Contact the Lafayette Bar Association at (337) 237-4700.