Welcome to the Lafayette Bar Association & Foundation!

Motivated by Justice, Inspired by Service. 

Welcome to the Lafayette Bar Association and Foundation. This website will help with the work of keeping our membership connected. With social networking support, simple tools for staying in touch, space for sharing documents and photos and resources to support committees, we can use it to help market our association and highlight the great work being done.

About the Lafayette Bar Association and Foundation

The Lafayette Bar Association and Foundation is pleased to offer a variety of services to both the public and to our members. Some of the services we offer include pro se legal forms available for purchase, mediation and conference room reservations, pro bono legal services, and year-round events for both members and non-members. Established in 1969, the volunteer Bar Association of Lafayette currently serves over 900 members. We also offer four sections of the association available to our members, the Young Lawyers Section, the Family Law Section, the Criminal Law Section, and the Real Estate & Transactional Section, along with many different committees and positions which offer members a chance to get involved with the bar as well as with the community. Attorneys and others can make use of our well-furnished law library and get free access to our Westlaw subscription.

To the public, we sell pro se legal forms for divorce, custody, support, name change and others. In addition, our Counsel on Call program through which patrons can receive a free 15-minute consultation of legal advice is offered. We also have our Pro Bono legal services which help those in need to get free legal help. While we do not have any attorneys in our office, you can find a list of our members and their category of legal expertise here



The Benefits of Membership

Being a member of the Lafayette Bar Association comes with many benefits. The Bar Association hosts several events throughout the year for all of our members. Along with our member events, members have many opportunities for networking and relationship building. This fosters the ability for professional business development, referrals, and involvement. Membership with the Lafayette Bar Association also offers opportunities to get involved and take on leadership roles, both within the Association and Foundation and in the community. In addition, members have the benefits of receiving communications from the Association and Foundation, the chance to attend CLE's, as well as other features exclusive to members through the member portal.

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